In this article, we will be reviewing Presto 04830 Orville Redenbacher’s power-pop microwave popcorn multi-popper by Presto. We will include all the information we are aware of on the Presto PowerPop microwave popcorn machine. We will go through information about the product, my review, parts, directions, maintenance, care, and other features. When we say microwave popcorn poppers, generally people think that these products are fake and won’t work smoothly as it is supposed to. But, the popper by Presto is proving them wrong. Come on, now we will see everything elaborately.

We all know about the famous food Scientist Orville Redenbacher and his yummy popcorn. He revolutionized the 80s and 90s with his food company. The name should almost speak for itself given that the brand’s name and reputation are connected to this product. The company Presto is also known for its popcorn popper machine. They have come up with a handful of a variety of products and were founded in the year 1905. And it hails from Wisconsin. This product first came to the world in the year 1994. So we can say it’s popular, as it is here for a long time. Many people have owned and used theirs for a very long time. I’m talking about a good ten to fifteen years, and kernel popping is perfect. So these guys collaborated, and now we have this product, which promises to do a lot of things. We will see about everything.
First, let us see about the parts of this product. It comes in 4 pieces. A base, popping and serving bowls, powercups, and a lid cover. When you ask what a powercup is, the answer is: They are nothing but cardboard disc plates with metals that can be heated in a microwave, concentrating heat waves for a stable temperature that produces maximum popping. They resemble the ones used to microwave and bake Hot Pockets, Lean Pockets, pot pies, and so on.
To assemble this product, first, we need to attach the power base to the bottom of the bowl by pressing and twisting it until you feel a lock. Then, insert the powercup into the bottom of the bowl. Lastly, place the lid on the top. Voila! You got it now. Since the powercups have to be replaced, you can visit the Presto website or other sites to look into that, or it is available in some local stores. Since the powercups have to be replaced, you can visit the Presto website or other sites to look into that, or it is available in some local stores.
Place a third cup of kernels evenly in the base of the bowl, where it comes in contact with the powercup. So as not to leave a kernel from getting popped.
You may want to season by adding oil, butter, and salt, or you can skip this and add it later.
Put the lid on and place the popper in the microwave.
It takes anywhere around 2-5 minutes, depending on your microwave
Wait until the popping sound slows down, and take it out using the handles provided on the sides of the bowl.
Then you can season it if earlier you didn’t. Then enjoy!
Maintenance and Care
CLEANING: The bowl and the lid can be washed with soap and water and are also dishwasher safe. We can use a moist cloth or paper towel to clean the power cup and base.
The powercup is to be wiped after every use and never be dunked in water to prolong its life.
STORAGE: There are ways to store your Presto. After cleaning you can dismantle it or just keep it as one product. It is compact and just requires a small space in your cabinet. You can allot a separate compartment for all popcorn needs just near the microwave. It is helpful.
My Review
It is a famous company, and these guys are developing their products over the years. One such improvement was going BPA-free.
Presto industries are known for predicting the needs of the customers.
Customers might use it as a substitute for pre-packaged microwaveable bags and a solution for heating popcorn in the microwave.
Better personal options for snacking on healthy foods are provided.
It is free from undesirable oils and unknown chemicals that may be included in some packaged foods.
It is quick to assemble, easy to use, and produces delicious popcorn within three and half minutes. So, it can be used in offices, dorms, movie nights, etc.,
Most microwaves that are larger than 6 1/2 inches in height by 10 inches in width will work.
- The popper is easy to use, doesn’t have electrical cords, and is affordable.
- It is around 10 inches length-wise and fits most microwaves.
- It has a warranty for a year.
- It has a rating of 4.5 out of 5.
- It is compact and storage-friendly.
- It is BPA-free.
- It has controlled ingredients.
- Replacing the power cup.
- Powercup is not environmentally safe. This raises concerns.
I hope this article helps the reader, as we saw many things about the Presto 04830 Orville Redenbacher’s Power Pop Microwave Popcorn Multi-Popper by Presto. I found this product to be amazing. Yes, it is on the high-end side, but the popcorn it produces will make you forget about that thing. So I would highly recommend this one.