Have you ever wondered Who invented the First Commercial Popcorn Machine? Well That’s a good question. Let’s see the history of popcorn here

The kernel corns make the delicious snack that is loved by most people. Corn has been in use for a long period in the USA. Since popcorn is derived from corn from a particular variety known as the Zea mays everta, it was not invented by man. In other words, it is nature’s beautiful gift. In the early years, various methods of cooking popcorn were tried by the Americans. Kernels were thrown to hot ashes, pots with lard, butter, or oil were used. One of the most common methods used to cook popcorn was in an open fire. They were successful for home use, but not very effective for commercial purposes.
However, the oldest popcorn was based in New Mexico, and in the year 1948, the Zea Mays Everta was discovered by two persons known as Earle Smith and Herbert Dick. They discovered it in a dry cave known as the bat cave. Certain individual popped kernels were discovered, they have been carbon-dated and nearly 5600 years old. The popcorn was also used to decorate clothes and other ceremonial adornments by the Aztecs. In North America, popcorn has been consumed by the native Americans. When colonists started moving around North America, this snack was widely used by the people. Then began the modernization of popcorn.
The invention of the commercial popcorn machine
Initially, before the invention of the popcorn machine, people use to prepare popcorn at home using the stove or fire. Charles Cretors was a businessman from Lebanon. In the year 1885, along with his family, he moved to Chicago and the success story of the commercial popcorn machine began. The first commercial popcorn machine was invented by Charles Cretors in the year 1885 while he was residing in Chicago. He obtained the license to operate the popcorn machine on the street that created history. Then began the popularity of popcorn production and people began to love this snack in America.
The popularity of popcorn was intensified during the great depression as the price of the popcorn was cheap and it was easily affordable by the people. Later with the invention of television, the popularity of popcorn dropped as fewer people visited the popcorn machines. Then with the invention of microwave popcorn in the year 1981, the consumption of popcorn once again boosted. Popcorn is still considered a delicious snack throughout history. As per the survey, every year people consume nearly 17 billion quarts of popcorn. The gourmet popcorn companies invent new ways for people to enjoy this snack. The popcorn is still used for decorating purposes during the festive season.
The modernization of the commercial popcorn machine
The modern commercial popcorn machine is of high quality that comes in different styles and sizes. The economical 20-ounce machine has the power to pop up to 400 kernels, one-ounce servings in a time duration of just one hour. It also can remain warm till it is loaded in the tub or bag and until it is garnished with seasonings and butter. The invention of the modern commercial popcorn machine is truly innovative. The sweet, crunchy, buttery taste is loved by all the people.
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