Do you want to know How to Make Popcorn Without a Popcorn Maker? Then, this guide is for you to read this post to find out how to do it

Popcorn can be made even without using a popcorn maker. The ultimate result that you get is amazing. By following the traditional or old-fashioned method, popcorn can be prepared on the stove or pot in a simple and easy manner. It is much healthier when compared to microwave popcorn. In this article, we will see how to make popcorn on the stove without using a popcorn maker. Here is the detailed way of preparing the dish:
- The first step is to take a large saucepan and heat it on medium-high heat.
- Now add some coconut oil and check to see if the oil is heated by adding a few popcorn kernels
- As they begin to pop, you can add the remaining popcorn kernels and cover them with a lid
- Let the heat escape and so slightly keep the lid open
- If a lid is not available, you can cover it up with foil by firmly fixing it on top and sides, making some slits on
- the foil
- Mildly shake the pan to avoid the kernels from getting burnt
- As the popping begins, monitor by staying close to the stove at the same time being watchful
- As the popping sound decreases, remove the pan from the stove
- Let it rest for about a minute
- Then remove the lid or the foil
- Freshly prepared corn is ready to serve
- You can add some toppings as seasonings to enrich the flavor of the dish
- Relish the snack with your family and friends
Here are some toppings that you can try for popcorn
- Cinnamon and sugar
- Butter and salt
- Nutritional yeast that tastes like white cheddar
- Garlic powder
- Caramel
- Grated parmesan cheese
- Parsley
- Melted chocolate
Popcorn is rich in nutrients and has a high fiber content. Adding butter or oil can enhance the taste and increase your calorie intake. Any oil of your choice can be used, if you are sensitive to coconut oil, you can use Avocado or other vegetable-based oils that have a high smoke point. When you traditionally make popcorn, you have multiple topping options that are available for you. The preparation time is also limited as it can be done within 5 to 7 minutes. Ensure that you don’t burn the popcorn kernels as they can give a bitter taste. Hope this article has helped you to prepare popcorn traditionally without a popcorn maker.
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